Meet the team


We have worked in marketing and AI software engineering for more than 10 years now and were lucky enough to work with 17 Fortune 500 companies and many industry leaders in Europe, the USA, and South Asia.
Andi Groke
Former co-founder of Videobeat and Dentsu executive.
Extensive experience in leading a global marketing agency, developing marketing software and strategically executing projects for clients such as  
Disney, Mastercard, and Kayak.
Amay Malkani
Ex-Rocket Internet and former agency executive in marketing and software engineering.
Highly specialized in implementing marketing innovation and developing AI solutions. Former and current clients include Uber, WD40, and Amazon.
Jakub Skalecki
Former CTO @ Videobeat and creator of the first AI attribution software for television. Highly specialized in engineering complex software solutions involving neural nets, machine learning, and AI.
Client cases


Our clients are unique, and so are the solutions. Every project is tailored to the specific needs and workflows of our clients.

Share of Search AI

SEO, Content, Advertising
Revenue Increase
The AI autonomously executes searches on Google and social media platforms and analyzes mentions of brands and competitors for different search terms. Insights can be leveraged to pinpoint marketing efforts for more impact and identify competitive advantages in communication.

Photo shoot AI

Creation, Production
Cost Reduction
An image AI capable of learning faces of models and producing photo realistic images. Instead of realizing cost intensive on location foto shootings, the agency is now able to just take a few images of a models face for the fraction of the cost and then produce any image they can dream up.

Newsletter AI

Client Retention, Research, Upselling
Revenue Increase
An AI that prepares highly individual newsletters for clients based on internal information and autonomous internet searches. Each newsletter is tailored to the customer's interests and features detailed and rich information.
Our client uses this to increase client retention and upsell services.

Knowledge Base AI

Research, Productivity
Cost Reduction
Doing research for marketing or consulting projects is extremely time consuming. This AI is connected to all internal documents as well as the internet and can not just quickly surface the right documents, but also answer questions and prepare work products based on that knowledge base.

Audience Insights AI

Research, Targeting, Personas
Cost Reduction
By entering a topic or product the AI autonomously accesses the internet and various databases to create audience profiles. It can surface intentions behind searches as well as facts and features the audience values most. In addition, the AI can analyze emotional states for psychological insights.

Competitor AI

Advertising, Social, Insights
Revenue Increase
This AI provides an in-depth report about the advertising activities of competitors and brands on various platforms. It can access and analyze targeting, ad creatives, and impressions generated from any brand on social media platforms and provide detailed insights about ad campaigns and communication strategy.


Instead of charging you for the software engineering of your AI, we will develop everything for free.
You will just pay a monthly fee based on an annual subscription.
This minimizes your investment and maximizes your returns, outperforming any of your competitors. Mind Nexus covers the risk and cost associated with this by building your AI software based on prebuilt modules that we recycle.
We use a hybrid licensing model.
Non-ExclusiveRights: We utilize a set of core code modules that form the foundation of our software solutions. These modules are reused across various projects, which allows us to maintain a high standard of quality and efficiency. As such, the rights to these core modules remain non-exclusive.

Exclusive Rights: For your specific project, we develop a customized white-label solution tailored to your brand and operational requirements. This part is provided under exclusive rights, meaning it is uniquely yours and will not be replicated for any other client.
With your custom solution, you can do whatever you like, including selling your AI's outputs and work products to your clients for profit. The software can be placed and maintained in your local server environment if you prefer.

You can not sell the software to a third party or share the code outside your organization.